Content Recycling: How to Make the Most Out of Your Existing Content Seven Writers 07/10/2024

Content Recycling: How to Make the Most Out of Your Existing Content

Let’s be real—creating fresh, engaging content every single week feels like running on a never-ending treadmill. Exhausting, right? But what if I told you that you’re sitting on a goldmine of content you’ve already created, just waiting to be reimagined? Welcome to the world of content recycling—the magical art of squeezing every last drop of value from your hard work.

Instead of breaking a sweat over new blog posts, eBooks, or infographics, why not recycle what you’ve already got? That blog post from last year? It could be your next viral social media post. Your whitepaper? The perfect podcast episode! Think of it like meal prepping—except it’s for your content strategy, and yes, it’s way less stressful than starting from scratch every time.

In this blog, we’ll dive into how you can become a pro at content recycling, why it’s a smart move, and how it can save you tons of time and effort. Ready to master this? Let’s jump in.

Why Content Recycling Makes Sense in 2024

In a world where content fatigue is real, recycling isn’t just an option; it’s a necessity. Here’s why:

  • Cost Efficiency: According to HubSpot, 53% of marketers report that content creation is their biggest marketing challenge in 2024. Instead of investing big bucks in creating new content, recycle your high-performing ones to save resources.
  • Increased Reach: Different audiences consume content in different ways. Your blog post may not have reached someone who prefers podcasts or infographics. Repurpose your existing content and catch those who missed out.
  • SEO Gains: Updating and recycling old content can significantly boost your SEO rankings. Search engines love fresh, relevant content—even if it’s based on something you wrote months ago.

Now that you’re sold on the idea, let’s get into how you can start recycling content like a pro.

1. Turn Blogs Into Social Media Gold

We’ve all been there—spending hours writing a blog, publishing it, and then letting it gather dust in the archives. Not anymore! Turn that blog post into a series of social media posts.

How to Do It:

  • Pull Key Quotes: Grab the juiciest stats, quotes, or snippets from your blog, add a punchy visual, and boom—there’s your next Instagram post.
  • Thread It: Twitter threads are super popular in 2024. Split your blog into bite-sized thoughts and share them as a thread. Engage your audience with questions or polls.
  • Infographics: Take data-heavy blog content and turn it into an eye-catching infographic using tools like Canva. Share it on Pinterest or LinkedIn!

2. Transform Webinars Into Podcasts

Got a webinar that’s been gathering digital dust in your archives? You’re missing out on gold! Convert that hour-long session into bite-sized podcast episodes or a full-fledged podcast series.

Why It Works:

  • Podcasts are booming! In 2024, over 60% of U.S. consumers aged 12 and above are podcast listeners. Why not jump on this trend by converting your webinars into episodes?

Pro Tip:

  • Break up a long webinar into several short podcast episodes, each focusing on a specific topic. Edit out any irrelevant or outdated information, and you’ve got yourself a content series.

3. Repurpose Case Studies Into Video Testimonials

Case studies are a great way to showcase your success stories, but let’s be honest, not everyone enjoys reading them. A 2024 study shows that 66% of people prefer watching videos over reading text.

How to Do It:

  • Grab your top-performing case studies and turn them into engaging video testimonials. Use visuals, client quotes, and a strong narrative to highlight the key points.
  • Add the video to your website’s landing page, share it on YouTube, or post snippets on social media.

4. Turn eBooks Into Blog Series

Got a long-form eBook that not many people have had the patience to read through? Break it down into digestible blog posts.

Why It Works:

  • Multiple Touchpoints: Instead of waiting for readers to finish the entire eBook, you can provide value through shorter, more frequent blog posts that keep them coming back for more.
  • SEO Opportunities: More blog posts mean more chances to rank for different keywords. Your eBook can fuel a month’s worth of blog content!

Bonus Tip:

  • Add fresh updates to each blog post when splitting it up. This keeps your content relevant and engaging.

5. Refresh Old Content with a 2024 Update

Sometimes, all you need to do is give your old content a facelift. If a blog post was a hit in 2022, it’s probably still relevant in 2024—just add some updated stats and tweak the language to reflect the latest trends.

How to Do It:

  • Update Stats: Numbers change fast, so make sure your content reflects the latest data.
  • Add New Visuals: A 2024 refresh deserves 2024-level visuals. Create new images, infographics, or videos to go along with your revamped post.


  • Before: “In 2020, 80% of marketers say content is key.”
  • After: “In 2024, content marketing still reigns supreme, with 90% of marketers relying on it to drive engagement.” [Source: Content Marketing Institute]

6. Turn Presentations Into Slideshares or Carousels

Got some killer PowerPoint presentations from past meetings or webinars? Why let them sit in your Google Drive? Transform those slides into a SlideShare deck or a carousel post on Instagram or LinkedIn.

Why It Works:

  • Quick Consumption: People love content they can consume in 30 seconds. A good carousel post delivers your message fast.
  • Visual Appeal: Slide decks, when done right, are visually captivating and great for engagement.

Pro Tip:

  • Make sure to optimize for mobile viewing since the majority of social media browsing happens on mobile devices.

7. Compile Evergreen Posts Into an Ultimate Guide

If you’ve been blogging on a specific topic for years, you likely have a ton of content on it. Compile those evergreen pieces into one ultimate guide.

How to Do It:

  • Gather all your related content, whether it’s blog posts, infographics, or videos, and combine them into a comprehensive guide.
  • Update it with the latest info, create a clickable table of contents, and offer it as a downloadable PDF to capture leads.


Recycling content is like giving your old work a makeover—except this makeover saves you time, money, and a lot of effort. By repurposing what you’ve already created, you can keep your content strategy fresh without having to constantly reinvent the wheel.

Plus, it’s a win-win: your audience gets to enjoy your amazing content in new formats, and you get to expand your reach without burning out.

Need help repurposing your content into something brilliant?
At Seven Writers, we specialize in content recycling, creation, and marketing strategy that helps businesses like yours shine. Let’s talk about how we can take your content to the next level. Reach out today!

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